Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Lil Ant

I'm standing

from this point, i will have nowhere to go.

and someday when a man step on me, 
i will even have no place to cry,
will have no place to put my head on,
will have no place to share,

Should I trust "near boys"?
I can't imagine, how can i trust "those boys"?
I know what's on their mind.

I wipe, wipe, and wipe my tears all over again
they keep dropping. 

I'm standing 
He's leaving.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Falling Leaf

I'm a falling leaf
with torn body
thrown by a storm in a dark night
scattered on a dusty street
no longer valuable
alone and lonely

I miss a time, when i was there, up on the tree, 
feeling breeze on my face
touching the sky
dancing with the wind
dreaming to see the bright sun coming and feel the warmth 
in a peaceful morning

Saturday, December 11, 2010


pieces of moments,
building up a memory (about you), 
leading me to the dream we created.

I'm telling u with smile.

started from - ---- ---, the end of November,

slow dance;

Mom, Dad, and brother;

wedding coat, uncle's wedding picture, little beautiful cousin holding a cute doll;


map, vas flowers on the table;

night as day, day as night;

tried so hard to send you photo of mine, we cried;

the beginning of February, your truth, my truth (bismillahirahmanirrahim), begging;

singing happy birthday, a mail (facing exam);

untouchable, unreachable 

I'm telling you without cry, 
wishing you a very beautiful life.

Pieces of puzzle, building up a picture, an unforgettable dream

Friday, December 10, 2010

In the Word of Love

For those who have been destroyed by inhumane man,

For those who have to face life like a wheel, meet a man, building a relationship, commit to get married, tell the truth, been left, and start again, and this happens all over again,

For those who become faithless to all men,
For those who have to suffer this for this entire life,
For those who have been sexually abused, raped.

          For their tears
          For their sorrow
          For their dread
          For their suffer
          For their pain

I shout out for those people, for those who may haven't realize what they lose

'cause of their innocentness
'cause of their plainness

Try to understand what it feels
and speak up

Their cry or laugh
Their tears or smile
will be depend on u