Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Isn't it hurt when my own body pushed me away from someone I love

It really dumped me into deepest hole, when my own body did so. 
and my confidence went worst ever

And when i close my eyes, he is still there,
with his big cheeks, which he hates while i love.

I know part of him wants this since he didn't hug me, telling me tht this isn't true

and what else i can do?
rather than making my eyes become lakes

I'm hurt, really I am. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fake Flowers

I know world has changed.

Girls are keeping their masks,
creating instant miracles,
with magic formula, just like a witch
making a fake beauty.

and I'm left behind.
But i dont care

And i wont care if beetles are attracted to those fake flowers.