Sunday, November 13, 2011

Twenty two...

Twenty two, twenty two.....

an age when I'm no longer being called a little girl.
an age when a new stage is coming, a marriage, where many of my friends have already been in.

but every time Mom said, "don't be lazy, otherwise, ur kids will be lazy like u", I always said to myself "I'm not gonna get married".

Something that I was always dreaming about for the entire life, has vanished.

And I repeat again, whether fear or shame.

But it says so, pictures of past always have impact in pictures of future.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Past in Present

Why am I become like this?
Why did past treat me so bad?

Truly, what I wanted badly is now out of my mind,
a marriage happens in my life

Whether hopeless, fear, or pain made me so.

So, I just want to say all of these, words that would never be spoken out to people.

Whether fear or shame...
But the pain is still here, in my heart, my soul, my mind
in every drop of my blood flowing in my body.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Not Gonna Make It

I realize, I'm not gonna make it.
We are not gonna make it.
He failed to stand and tell them that he wants me.

If so, next, how will he say that he wants to take me as her wife to them?
I guess that will be impossible.

I'm hopeless.
I give up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

To the Only and the Last Hope

To the only and the last hope
of tasting what love is
of having a marriage

Taste of love, blend of sweet, sour and bitter
I do enjoy them, the moments with him
Whether it's sweet or sour, or even bitter.
Because I love him, I need him

And whether or not our love will come into a marriage
He will always be the one.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What A Traditional Practice! (Arranged Marriage)

I still remember, few days ago my friend and I were sharing how hard having this kind of relationship.
That time I eagerly said, "No matter what will happen, I will enjoy every moment with him"

But now, how could i do that if i know that, there, million mills from me, his mom is looking for a girl for him?

It feels like...
Like suddenly weather gets so cold
Like Im gonna be easily thrown away by wind
It feels like...

sooner or later he is gonna be other's

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Isn't it hurt when my own body pushed me away from someone I love

It really dumped me into deepest hole, when my own body did so. 
and my confidence went worst ever

And when i close my eyes, he is still there,
with his big cheeks, which he hates while i love.

I know part of him wants this since he didn't hug me, telling me tht this isn't true

and what else i can do?
rather than making my eyes become lakes

I'm hurt, really I am. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fake Flowers

I know world has changed.

Girls are keeping their masks,
creating instant miracles,
with magic formula, just like a witch
making a fake beauty.

and I'm left behind.
But i dont care

And i wont care if beetles are attracted to those fake flowers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Call it my wish

Oh Allah....
Make it beautiful,
break the ice,
melt it,
and let it rain, rain of happiness

But is it only my own wish? Will he wish the same?

I feel wind slowly fades its color, making my prayer worthless.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Rainbow after the Rain

Through a street with trees on the left and right side, a straight hair girl is walking in a deep silence. Her right hand is holding a blue polka-dot umbrella. From a terrace of a café, a girl calls her name “ Hey An, wait, wait for me!” But she doesn’t hear her. She seems to be busy with her mind, thinking of something. A memory never leaves her mind. It’s planted deeply and seems to last forever. 
A month ago, when dark clouds were flying on the sky, Anna sat on a bench in a park. Her eyes looked at a green gate near to her. She seemed to wait someone. Then a boy passed the gate and came toward her. She looked at him and got up from the bench.
“You’re late dear,” said Anna.
“I’m sorry. Erick asked me to buy an Avatar DVD, so I went to DVD store first,” Andy explained.
“It’s ok dear,” she said with a smile.
Then they both sat on the bench. 
“Hmm…. Dear, I want to tell you something very important,” said Anna seriously.
“What is that, dear?” he asked curiously.
“Dear, we have been together for three months. Though it has been not a long time, you mean a lot to me. I need you, so do you. You told me that you wanted to marry me. You know, you are the one I want to share my life with. I don’t want to hide anything from you. And now I think it’s time to tell you a secret about my life,” said her. 
She took a deep breath and said “Dear…. I’m not a virgin girl. I was raped when I was five years old,” she said and her eyes burst into tears. 
“What! What are you talking about? Are you kidding?” said Andy unbelievably.
“No dear. I’m sorry…. I’m sorry to make you disappointed. I know it’s hard to accept,” said Anna in her crying.
Andy was just silent while Anna couldn’t stop crying. He didn’t even wipe her tears. He looked very disappointed.
“Now, it’s up to you to decide how our relationship will be. But you should know that I love you,” she said with her sobs.
After being silent for a moment, she said “I’ll give you time to think about it. Please come here at the same hour next week.”
She tried to be strong after seeing her boyfriend leaving without saying anything. She bowed her head and thought about him, their love and relationship. She began to cry again and her tears dropped onto a book which would be given for Andy’s birthday next week.
But it was the last time she met him. She has never seen him again. She has tried to call him thousand times, but he never picks them up. She realizes that he can’t accept that fact. She can do nothing. She can’t blame him. She knows that it’s hard for him to accept it. No man wants to have a raped wife.
On Sunday, she is walking alone on a dusty street. Her left hand is holding some books she just bought while her right hand always wipes her sweating face. It’s a very hot day. She decides to stop to buy an ice cream. In the ice cream stall, many people are standing in line. After waiting for ten minutes, it’s her turn to order. She buys a cone of blueberry ice cream. When she turns her body back, she is surprised. She sees Andy standing in the last queue. He’s with a girl, a beautiful girl. They look so close to each other. Anna sees him holding the girl’s hand. 

“She’s beautiful. He deserves to get such perfect girl,” she murmurs.
She leaves the place quickly. She doesn’t want him to see her. She doesn’t want to disturb his life. 
“There’s nothing left,” she says.
After arriving at home, she comes in her room immediately and lays on her bed, thinking about him. She can’t forget him. She can’t deny that she still loves him. She puts pillow on her face, crying silently. 
“I shouldn’t be like this. I have to be strong. He’s perfect, and he deserves to get a perfect one,” she says.
One year has passed away. A boy is now in her heart, making colorful her days after Andy’s leaving. He is someone who wipes her tears, someone who makes her laugh. He’s Gamal, her childhood friend. He loves her much, so does she.
On Saturday, Anna and Gamal go to a festival. There are many stands selling clothes, food, etc. Many people are attending, mostly are couple. Anna and Gamal walk holding hand through the festival then they stop in a stand.
“Oh dear, look at this! It’s a very beautiful bracelet,” says her, showing the purple bracelet.
“Do you want it, dear?” he asks.
“Yes, dear,” she replies.
“Give me your hand!” asks him.
Then he puts the bracelet on her hand. She smiles happily. Then they continue walking until Anna suddenly stops her step. Anna sees someone she knew, someone she loved, someone who has broken her heart, Andy. He’s with a girl, the same girl who she saw in the ice cream stall last year. They are sitting on a bench under a tree. Gamal knows what Anna is looking at. He holds her hand tight, smiles at her and says, “Let’s go, dear!”
As arriving Anna’s house, they sit on sofa in the living room. Anna’s face still looks so gloomy.
“Dear, are you okay? Wanna hug?” asks Gamal.
Anna is silent for a moment, then she asks, “Do you know why the reason why he left me?”
“Do you wanna know? Huh?” says her with higher voice. 
“I’m a raped girl. Got it? I’m a raped girl,” she shouts. 
She bursts into tears.
“Now, are you going to leave me? Huh?” she shouts again?
“Sstttt.....” says Gamal, calming her down.
He hugs her tight and rubs her hair gently.
“You talk too much, dear. I have known everything. Your mother has told me about this,” says him with a very sweet smile. Anna is surprised. 
“Last month, when I visited your house, your mother came toward me. She told much about you,” he explains.
“I was very shocked, of course. I was about to leave you,” he says and laughs.
“But the time we shared together proved that I need you. I love you sincerely, An,” continues
him with her serious face.

Anna hugs him very tight and cries on his chest. Suddenly her mother comes from the kitchen.
“Hey, hey, An, what are you doing? What’s happened? Why are you crying?”
“What did you do to my little baby?” asks her mother to Gamal.
“She asked for a balloon in the festival, but I didn’t buy it for her,” he replies and laughs out loud.

Anna looks and stucks her tongue out at him. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

To A Bird of God

To a bird of God,
a bird who is changing a caterpillar into a butterfly
In the land of Bengal tiger,
the land of "garam masala",
the land of tinning sweet fairies with tip on their forehead

May east sun always makes you warm
may breeze always touches ur cheek softly 
may leaves always cover you from rain of sorrow
may wind always holds ur hand 
may life always puts smiles on ur lips

and i'm praying that someday the best of those fairies will accompany you, flying you to a land of joy where you can hear laughters of your little fairies, bringing you to be a father. 

And let me lay between those two black lines, near your eyes, so that i can see your happiness and feel it as mine too.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Piece of Journey

     A 36-aged woman, with wrinkled face, is walking through a street. The sweetness that an old wise rickshaw driver told her when she got home from high school has gone. There’re only aging signs left. Yeah, that’s me. Steadily I’m stepping on a street while a set of headphone is hanging from my ears, playing a song*. A bridge, English course, alley, repair shop, chicken noodles cart, alley, my home. I still remember how I stepped this street 15 years ago, the same time, the same place, the same song. But there’s much changes, there’re many differences. 
     Fifteen years ago, a girl walked here with smile, spirit, eagerness, swinging her legs, following the rhythm of the song. I could feel it, the breeze and joy she felt, but it seems so far now. Ya so many things changed. Too many. My friends are having their kids growing up as a boy and a girl, experiencing what their Mom and Dad had. But I get stuck here, cast on a hazy gloomy island, I knew that, I knew that.


When I get myself flirted

I wanna vomit,
getting my stomach nauseated,
getting myself extremely mader than before.

maybe I'm hurt too deep,
maybe the pain hasn't gone,

or maybe the anger persists