Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear God, part 2

Age is something we can't hold or pause.
And mine keeps running
and i fear if i get no chance to taste the sweetness of love before it's too late,
when all the birds have their own homes, and i knew i got no.

Sometimes i'm afraid if my memories will be dust to you, as wind coming to you, erasing me. And you get nothing to remember.

And as i am far, i get no chance to be with you.
And as i aint Indian, i get no chance to own you. Because it is only given with the authority of your family.

And honestly i say, im afraid of wrinkles taking over my face and people will ask why you are alone. 


  1. Follow balik blog gue donk. biar tmbah rame :-|

  2. Folbek eeahh kakagg. . -_-
